
Glorious Reunion

The total population of Scio, Ohio probably never exceeded 1,000. But on September 4, 1885, 5,000 people turned out to recognize veterans of the 98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

From the Ohio Press, September 4, 1885:

98th O.V.I.—Scio Beautifully Decorated for the Occasion—Crowd Estimated at 5,000–Speeches by the Boys in Blue

The great event in the history of Scio, Harrison County, Ohio, for 1885 was the grand reunion of the 98th O.V.I. which took place in that picturesque village Thursday, August 27, this being the 10th annual reunion of these famous veterans who enlisted from Jefferson, Harrison and adjoining counties and contained the stuff of which warriors are made. Scio welcomed the heroes with banners, flags, drapings of national colors and warm hospitality.

The exercises were held in Scott’s grove, a short distance west of town, where an ample platform was erected for the speakers and every arrangement made for the vast audience and the sumptuous banquet served.

The promised order of exercises for the afternoon were unavoidably disarranged. The Hon. John A. Bingham and Col. C.L. Poorman were not present, the former having failed to reach home from abroad and the latter for reasons unknown.

Among the comrades and friends present from  Steubenville were Dr. J.B. McCollough, Dr. Floyd and wife, Joseph Hall, John B. Folet, B.N. Lindsay and family,  W.F. Ridgley wife and daughter Jessie, Marshall Finney and family, G.A. Maxwell and wife, S.S. Culbertson, John C. Brown, Frank Hawkins, John Welch,  Joseph Marion, Misses Paxton, J.D. Tweed and wife, James Lavery and wife, Miss Sally Hanlin, Roseman Gardner, B. Lemmon and Detective James Love.

Editor’s Note:
The 98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry was organized August 22, 1862 under Colonel George Penny Webster of Steubenville. On October 8, 1862, at the battle of Perryville, Kentucky, Colonel Webster suffered a fatal wound. Our historical association has obtained the letter that was written to Colonel Webster’s widow, Mary Ellen Virginia McAdams Webster, by Colonel C.L. Poorman informing her of the circumstances of her husband’s death.  In 1897 the 98th OVI held its annual reunion in Steubenville and dedicated a large monument, in Union Cemetery, to the memory of Colonel George P. Webster and his family.

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