Clean –
The Jefferson County Historical Association (JCHA), which is located in our museum, 426 Franklin Ave., Steubenville, is holding our second annual essay competition for a $200.00 scholarship to be awarded to a Jefferson County graduating high school senior.
Established basic criteria for the award follows:
- It must be a historical essay relating to Jefferson County.
- It must be about a site, person or event occurring more than 50 years ago.
- It should not be greater than 500 words nor less than 300. Typed preferred.
- The essays will be reviewed by Tri State Writers Society members.
- The top three essays will be submitted to the JCHA board of directors who will select the winner.
- Final date to received entries is 15 April 2015. Any received after this date will be disqualified.
- Family members or friends of JCHA – TSWS, school staff are not eligible
The winner will be presented check by JCHA president at school’s award ceremony. Whatever policy/criteria your district subscribes to in awarding scholarships (GPA average, financial need, etc,) will be the standard JCHA accepts for your school. The 2014 winner: Todd Yater, Buckeye Local, for his essay The Flagging Block.
Looking forward to your response by 27 Feb. 2015. If no response by this date we will understand your school is not interested in participating. Please send correspondence and essays to address below.