The First Historical Society
As Jefferson County was thinking ahead to the Centennial Celebration for 1897 it was decided to form a historical association that would plan and oversee the celebration. The name chosen for this organization was the Bezaleel Wells Historical Society which received its articles of incorporation on March 7, 1893.
The first meeting was held on December 4, 1893 and Davidson Filson was selected as the chairman and Joseph B. Doyle, secretary.
A committee was selected to draft a constitution and by-laws which were accepted on January 11, 1894. On February 1, 1894 the following officers were elected; President- Davidson Filson; Vice President- Robert Sherrard; Recording Secretary- Joseph Doyle; Corresponding Secretary- W.H. Hunter; Treasurer- Dohrman Sinclair; Trustees; George W. McCook, Winfield Scott, Charles Gallagher, A.C. Ault, and E.M. Crawford. The Bezaleel Wells Historical Society was successful in the organization of a citizen’s committee that saw Jefferson County celebrate their 100th birthday on July 29th and Steubenville‘s celebration on August 25th in 1897. Pictures of the event are available at the Vivian Snyder Memorial Library.
Compiled by JCHA Board Member