As you know the Jefferson County Historical Association (JCHA) is located in Steubenville, Ohio. We seek to partner with F. U. S. to establish a volunteer independent study internship program for juniors/seniors majoring in history or library science. The student will benefit from a ‘hands on’ approach preserving historical materials, establishing research priorities and primary research methods, and developing independent study skills.
The student’s first priority is to meet the educational standards set by F. U. S.. A JCHA committee can meet with you and the candidate to determine a project that will be beneficial to the student and our association. Successful completion of the independent study will be determine by requirements that are set forth by the student’s professor. A copy of a term paper, catalog, index, etc. produced by the student will be kept in our files for our use.
Students will be observed and guided by museum personnel, but emphasis will be allowing the student to proceed independently.
Our program will be supervised by Barry Bardone. His experience is listed below.
William Paterson College of New Jersey, History Major, Cum Laude 1980.
Senior Class Valuable Senior Award, 1980.
School of Humanities Dean’s Award: Outstanding Service to the History Department.
On faculty advisory board for developing history curriculum.
President Phi Alpha Theta chapter, William Paterson College of New Jersey, 1980.
Inducted into Who’s Who in Colleges and Universities 1980.
Internship Passaic County N.J. Historical Association: Index and catalog 7,500 plus photo collection.
Internship New Jersey Historical Society: Organize papers and thesis on John Parker, colonial merchant, Newark, N.J.
Member board of directors, Jefferson County Historical Association.
Adjutant Jefferson County Veterans Association.
1998-2011 Substitute teacher (all grades-subjects) Jefferson and Harrison Counties.
Division manager, Conrail (20 years).
Attended Franciscan U. of Steubenville, (30 credits-business).
Published author: novel No Choice: Andrew Kimble in the Revolutionary War, 2005.
Contact: JCHA 426 Franklin Ave. Steubenville, OH 43952. Tel. 740 283 1133 or Barry Bardone 105 Hilda Circle, Bloomingdale, OH 43910 – 740 266 7549. Looking forward to your reaction.